WHAT questions are probably some of the easiest questions to teach in speech therapy because the answer is generally a concrete object or an action. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about why children have difficulty answering different WH questions. I’m following up by talking about how I teach each specific WH question. […]
Autism: Echolalia and filling in the blanks {repost}
I am probably sitting in a hot tub right now surrounded by some elderly people who wish my son would stop talking. We are visiting my mom in Arizona. While I am away, I thought I would update and repost some of my popular posts related to Autism. ****************************************************************************************************************** Echolalia refers to when a child repeats […]
Organization: Make your own Speech Kits
I LOVE using manipulatives in therapy. Most of my clients are more motivated to participate in activities when there are objects involved. If I have a client who is struggling with a language concepts, I may move back towards objects-or pair objects with worksheets/picture cards to see if it improves their comprehension. There are commercially […]
I have a target bag, who has a burner…
Here’s my PSA for the night. It’s not a good idea to place a Target bag on your ceramic stove top. The unfortunate consequence is that you will now have little red Target circles embedded into your burner. In my defense, I thought I had turned on a different burner. In spite of my mishaps […]
January Organization: Object functions and Categories
Have I mentioned that I love manipulatives? A few years ago, I was lucky enough to purchase a 5 pound box of Barbie accessories on Ebay for a spendy 30.00. It was this purchase that allowed me to create my first category box. I used some pieces from an old category kit from Lakeshore learning […]