We love to celebration Halloween in my speech therapy room. I live in the Halloween capitol of the world (self-proclaimed) so there are generally no restrictions on celebrations. I’m bringing you a round up of my favorite Halloween speech therapy activities as well as a new freebie! Quick Halloween Speech Therapy Games: I purchased most […]
State Fair Conversations
WE are pretty proud of our State Fair here in Minnesota. Each year over 1.7 million people attend our fair. So it’s probably no surprise that most of our conversations start with “Are you going to the fair?”-and quickly progress to “What did you eat?” Or maybe that’s just my conversations. We had a great time. I […]
What’s New at Speech2u: April/May edition
Once a month, I take some time to share what I’ve been working on. I completely forgot to post last month, so I’m catching you up on the last two months of products. Nothing Minimal about these Pairs: Fronting/Backing: This is the third product my minimal pairs products. This one focuses on fronting/backing. It includes 55 […]