Hope your summer is going well! We’ve been blessed with beautiful weather the last few weeks. I’ve been weeding in the garden (and wondering why I have so many gardens) and am looking forward to spending some time at the beach.
Earlier this week, I was listening to NPR and they were talking about Cephalopod week. Cephalopods include octopus, squid and cuttle fish. The only think I remember about cuttle fish is having to eat dried cuttlefish in seventh grade science class.
My first plan (before I decided I want to be a Speech language pathologist) was to be a marine biologist. I get a little bit nerdy about my ocean animals.
Add it up is a game that was shared with me by a former coworker. After she left, I made up some games with illustrations that I could use during drill work. Students turn over the card and add or subtract the numbers on the cards. It’s helpful to have a calculator for each student in order to keep track of the totals. Hope you enjoy my freebie version of Add It Up: Cephalopods.
Do you work over the summer or do you have your summers off? I’d love to hear what your favorite summer activity is!