I am sharing some of my favorite apps-and a few new ones with some ideas of how I use them in therapy. (Note-this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Affiliate links pay a small percentage of the sale to the affiliate if someone chooses to purchase a product from the link provided.)
This is a simple cause and effect app. First you can pick the costume that your dog is going to wear. Once the dog is dressed, you go to different houses and knock on the door. When you open the door a wheel spins to see if you get a trick or a treat. Then an adorable video of a dog completing an action is shown. (For example, a treat generally involves bacon being deliver to the dog. An example of a trick would include Millie the dog jumping into a bag.) I use this for predicting and producing past, present and future tense forms. (Ex. What will the dog do? The dog will jump).
I have LOVED Ed Emberly’s books since I was little. I still have old journals where I tried to use his shape based approach to draw different objects. This is combines his artwork with the idea of Peekaboo Farm. The door is knocking, you answer it and different Halloween characters appear. It’s fun to work on Halloween vocabulary.
Why print out a mask when you can take a picture and put on virtual mask on your photo. So much fun for role playing and sentence structures (“I want to be, I am a…) etc.
This has in app purchases. It is a 3D sticker book. The stickers will make noises and some move once you set up the sticker book. I like to work on labeling, following directions and identifying spatial concepts using this device.
This isn’t a Halloween themed app-but I found it when I was looking for new Halloween apps. It’s a little wordy, but it has exercises you can work with to talk about positive self talk, being kind, and having better behavior…using monsters. If you work with students with social thinking challenges and/or executive functioning.
That Toca Boo is really fun. It’s for children but I find it really fun to play coz’ it’s funny xD