I’m hooking up with the frenzied SLP’s to talk about one thing that I am going to try this next year: email organization. I had a lot of choices-there are a lot of things that I should try:
- Take ballroom dance classes
- Eat less potato chips and more Kale chips
- Binge watch the Walking Dead and Dr. Who
- Make or watch a Persiscope video
Every January, I start focusing on organization strategies. I’ve turned my hangers backwards to get rid of clothing I rarely wear. I bought some cute containers at Target to organize my cosmetics. One thing I am going to try is to manage my email better.
Do you have 20,000 unread emails in your inbox? I usually have somewhere around 5,000-8,000 unread emails in my three email accounts. It’s easy to miss an email-and that can be bad when it is an online bill.
So here’s my strategy:
I’ve turned off my email notifications on my phone. I am going to check email three times per day. In the AM, after lunch and again at the end of the day. My plan is to delete emails as they come in and hopefully respond to emails that need my response during those times.
I am using Unibox to manage my emails-it sorts based on the sender and lets you look through each email. I used it to reduce my 8, 794 emails to zero in about thirty minutes as I could delete the 155 emails from the Gap with one press of the button.
What are you going to try this year? Link up with the Frenzied SLPs to give us your best tips for living a less “frenzied” life.
What a great idea, Kelly! I need to manage mine better, too. Thanks for sharing about Unibox. I’ve never heard of it before, and I’m definitely going to check it out.
20,000 emails??? Oh my goodness, girl! I think you need an intervention!!! 🙂
I seriously love your list of choices! Email organization though is definitely one that will make your life less frenzied!
Turning off notifications helps tremendously! I’ll have to check out Unibox.
All Y’all Need
I would be totally floored with that many emails! I keep unsubscribing whenever they start to mount, but I’d never heard of Unibox. Thanks so much for the tip and good luck! ~Linda
I found an app called Unroll Me that helped me cancel all of those emails that I never even read. Instead of having to click a link to unsubscribe to something, you just swipe left if you don’t want to receive any more from that sender, or swipe right to keep. You can also swipe up to put the email on your “roll up”. Then, you get one email that shows all of your roll up emails, and they are not in your inbox, but you can still access them. I have successfully unsubscribed to 100 emails so far. I have also cleaned out my email box. What a relief!!!!
That’s a great suggestion-I am going to try that. I need to get unsubscribed to these-but still want to have access to sales sometimes.
Unibox? I am going to look into that! Ballroom dancing? Yes! Kale chips? Oooookay. Periscope video? Someday. Doctor Who? YES…all the time! Walking Dead? Nah 🙂