I love to incorporate theme or holiday activities into my speech therapy sessions. Sometimes I struggle with how to maximize my therapy time when I am working on an activity with a client.
I try to think through an activity and the steps in the activity prior to the sessions so I can identify potential vocabulary or syntactic targets. If I am working on articulation, I might pick 5 different words that I am going to practice during our activity. If I am working on syntax, I might focus on future, present and past tense forms in the activity. Maybe I am need to work on conjunctions. I can use the steps in the activity to teach my client how to use different conjunctions. As I was working on these, I started adding activity cards to my favorite snack activities to make sure I addressed each goal that needed to be targeted.
I started creating “snacktivities.”
In addition to speaking to my love of word sandwiches, it refers to a set of activities that accompany a snack or food item. Each activity focuses on (or will soon) AAC, Core vocabulary, vocabulary, sequencing, verb tense forms and comprehension. It helps keep me focused during my sessions.
I love this Santa berry craft and have made it in therapy for years. I’m really excited to offer it as a freebie for sequencing and vocabulary! You can pick up your copy by clicking on the picture below.
I hope you love this craft as much as I do! If you use it in therapy, I’d love to hear how it went. Please comment below with your thoughts!