As you know, I’m a big fan of the hand turkey. It’s also a great tool for story recall or sharing information. I have quite a few clients who only give a little bit of information. We started using our hands to cue the information.
This is quick and simple way to work on providing enough information. At the start of the session, I pull out our handprint. I have these clear gems that I got in the floral department of a craft store. We start each session by sharing information-one thing we did outside the speech room. For example, I might say, “Last Saturday, my mom and I went to the Mall of America for my nephew’s birthday. We had a lot of fun watching my son and nephew on the rides.” As I am talking I move the gems over onto the corresponding WH question. You could also have the student be in charge of listening for the information.
Then it is the student’s turn. I have them share a story and I move the gems over as they are talking. It ends up being a nice visual for them of what they are sharing. Plus, as they learn the questions on each finger, it can be a cue that they use outside of the speech room.
How are you working with your students on sharing information? I’d love to hear about it below!
Fabulous idea! Thanks!
Thank you for this great idea! I will be using it!
I’m glad to hear that!
Such a great idea! Thank you for sharing!