I can’t believe it’s almost the end of another month. I also can’t believe that we’ve pretty much finished that gigantic bag of Halloween treats that I got for this Friday. I should’ve stuck to my strategy of only buying ring pops. You’d have to be pretty desperate to eat your way through a bag of ring pops.
This month I’ve been talking about multiple meaning words. I’m finishing up the month with a round up of all of the great TPT products that focus on multiple meaning words and a giveaway. I’m hosting a linky party this month. If you have any great products that focus on multiple meaning words, please link up below-you can link to a blog post, Facebook post or directly to the store-the idea is to get all of the products in one area.
I’ve got a few products that focus on multiple meaning words:
1. Interactive Flashcards for multiple meaning words
This product focuses on improving a student’s comprehension of multiple meaning words by moving from pictured cards and structured activities to comprehension and expression of multiple meaning words without picture cues.
2. Alien Multiple Meaning Word Mission
Aliens are pretty popular with my clients. Alien Multiple Meaning Word Mission includes 111 homographs and homophones as well as activities designed to identify the correct word within sentence level productions. This is a great product for practicing a variety of multiple meaning words.
A lot of my SLP blogger friends have some great products for working on multiple meaning words. You can check out their products by clicking below. Decide on your favorite and come back tomorrow, October 29th to vote on your favorite and enter to win a copy of both of my multiple meaning word products.
If you have a blog or a great product to share-or even a fun idea for teaching, please link up-I love to see everyone’s resources and ideas. My linky party will be active through Wednesday, November 5th.

The Multiple Meaning Mission looks really cute, and the alien theme would appeal to a lot of elementary grade students
I’ve been searching for multiple meaning word activities for my 1st and 2nd graders, and these would be perfect!
Interactive flashcards
I have a lot of kids working on multiple meaning words and I think the alien theme would be very high interest for kids on my caseload!
I think your Alien Multiple Meaning Word Mission looks like fun as does your Interactive Flashcards. Therapy materials always need to be fun looking and fun to play with. Natalie Snyder’s Multiple Meanings for 4th-8th grades looked really good too,
I like the Cariboo set!
I would love the interactive flashcards. It would be great to have the visual support.
I love the interactive flash cards! My students are always in need of something engaging!!
Interactive Flashcards for multiple meaning words! I love the visuals! Thank you!
The multiple meaning words, we’ve been working on that with my students this month.