I love linking up with Speech Peeps for her monthly my Speachy-feedback party. I love getting feedback and learning what people value about my products. Plus I think it’s fun to go through and read about some of the awesome feedback and products that other SLP bloggers or TPT sellers have. My choice for this month was on my new Question Me This: Weekly Swap & Share binders. First of all, I was so grateful to get some great feedback right away from people.
First of all, I love anyone who uses the word “giddy.” Second, I was happy to hear how Linda was going to use this product. Linda, please email me your choice of any product from my TPT store (excluding bundles).
Do you have some great feedback that you were given that you want to share? Or do you just want to get an idea about some great products that other speech language pathologists have left feedback on? Head over to Speech Peeps to link up!
Thanks so much for linking up! Your blog is adorable and this product looks great!
Thank you!