Once a month, I take some time to share what I’ve been working on. I completely forgot to post last month, so I’m catching you up on the last two months of products.
Nothing Minimal about these Pairs: Fronting/Backing:
This is the third product my minimal pairs products. This one focuses on fronting/backing. It includes 55 different minimal pair sets, sentences containing minimal pair sets, rebus stories and memory homework sheets.
I Want My Hat Back:
This was my first book companion. I wrote about this book last month HERE.
Intelligibility Checklist:
I love to use checklists during assessments. This is a checklist I made up years ago to describe what is impacting my student’s intelligibility.
Silly Name Quizzes:
I love those silly quizzes you find on Facebook (ex. What’s your pirate name?) I figured my clients would like them too. Here is the vocalic and prevocalic /r/ version. I’m hoping to have additional versions posted by the end of next month.
Easter Conversational Starters & WH questions:
I really like these products to check generalization for WH questions as well as a fun way to address articulation carryover during sessions.
Next month I’m thinking a lot of narratives and sequencing. Check in often for activities, products and posts about sequencing!
Enter to win your choice of one of my new products below!
My favorite summer activity is just relaxing, reading, and making activities I bought on tpt!g
Kayaking is my favorite – especially on a calm, glass-like lake!
I have several faves; kayaking, gardening, reading, running, cycling, coffee on my farmer’s porch,…
My favorite summer activity is gardening. There’s just something about getting my hands in the soil and then getting to eat the products of my work that is immensely satisfying and very relaxing.
I love hanging out at the pool and reading.