Have you heard of the Edublogs Awards? They were started to demonstrate that social media can have an educational effect. I hadn’t heard of them but saw a tweet from Sean at Speech Techie and headed over to their website to check them out. If you have a blog or website, you can nominate your favorite blogs/websites by clicking here.
Best individual blog: http://thethriftyslp.blogspot.com/ She has some great activity ideas, lots of free materials and some great free downloads related to cuing levels, treatment strategies and common core information.
Best group blog: http://praacticalaac.org/ If you work with children who use AAC this blog will change your life. They have fantastic information on how to teach AAC and Core vocabulary strategies.
Best new blog: www.millionsoffingerprints.com
Best student blog: www.speechymusings.com In addition to be a Speech language pathology graduate student, she is also extremely creative with a great eye for graphic design.
Best ed tech / resource sharing blog: http://www.speechtechie.com/ Surprisingly, I’m not that technologically savvy. The “how to” features in this blog are lifesavers for me!
Most influential blog post of the year: http://speechadventures.com/2013/05/31/adventures-in-humility/ I might just have a personal problem with this but this post about how you think you are “faking it” or might let people down because you are not what you appear to be really spoke to me.
Best twitter hashtag: #Slpeeps Of course.
Best free web tool: http:Picmonkey.com This makes it so easy to create pictures for blogs as well as creating quick visuals to use in therapy.
Best educational use of audio / video / visual / podcast: Laura Mize from Teach Me to Talk’s podcasts. Filled with useful information.
Best educational use of a social network: Pinterest Best place to learn about new educational techniques while simultaneously planning your dinner.
Lifetime achievement: http://speech-language-therapy.com/ Caroline Bowen has provided a wealth of information on the web for as long as I can remember.
I so appreciate your nomination!! What a great thing to wake up to! Also, I found some new sites from reading this (like Picmonkey) so now I’m excited to try those out! Thanks 🙂