I won an award at work for “Most likely to be seen on “Hoarders: Speech Pathology Edition.” I think I could probably argue this title, as I don’t actually hoard a number of the SAME materials. For instance, I don’t have 12 copies of No Glamour Grammar that I picked up at the local Speech Pathology bulk warehouse. Doesn’t a Speech Pathology aisle at Costco sound fabulous, though?
BUT, I can fill up 2-3 tall steel cabinets with my materials. I saw this description on a blog (but forgot which one-if it’s yours please let me know!)
I’m also a great half reader of books. I’ll pick up a great book about Speech Pathology and I’ll start to read it-highlighting it, taking notes and then I get about half way through and I stop. Then I put it on my shelf where it comforts me knowing that if I need anymore information I can just walk over and pick it up.
With my clinic’s move, I ended up bringing my “social skills” kids books home. I’ve been reading them to my 4 year old who seems really interested. We read one about interrupting and he said, “Oh mom, that kid is just like me. I talk all the time too.” Yes, little one. There was a reason I chose this book tonight….
I thought I would share my 2 favorite series:
Joy Berry’s Help Me Be Good books. I lucked out and found a bunch of these at Half Priced Books for 1-2.00.
Hey Kelly, you crack me up! I am the SLP who will take anything that is FREE and want to store it for that rainy day when I need some new fresh therapy ideas. Lol…..anyways, I just ordered Julia Cook’s books and am excited to use them with my students. Glad that you like those! Thanks for the laugh. Happy Friday!
I like to use the The Learning to Get Along® Series by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed. They have great artwork and are written for a young developmental level.
Thanks Felice! Which books did you order?
Thanks for the info on The Learning to Get Along books. They look great!