I found these really cute cardboard cutouts of burger parts at the Target dollar spot today. I think it would be great to add velcro to the back to work on articulation or maybe a adhesive picture pocket so that you could switch out pictures to work on articulation or other language targets. For direction following, you could hide the pieces around the room and have the kids find them.
Today I was lazy so we just used them as a duration map. I gave the client the bottom bun and then said we had 5 activities to complete. Every time we completed an activity, they got another piece of the burger. Once we finished building the burger, they got to play a quick game on the iPad. (If I’d been thinking, I could’ve tied it in to Bamba Burger-a fun app where you make burgers….)
My second lazy activity resulted when I was too lazy to get kid scissors.
Kids LOVE to rip things. I cut the pictures into strips and then had my clients rip them in half. It was pretty fun. Of course, there is the danger that they overgeneralize to ripping everything. Tune in next week to see if I still have any Super Duper cards left…..
Will be heading to target! I love those! Target is awesome…. And so are your ideas. You made me lol with the lazy activity!
Thanks! They had cute donut ones too that I’m going to try to pick up tomorrow if I’m not snowed in…