I’ve gone dice crazy. Dice are fun because it inserts that element of chance into a session. It’s not me that’s making you do six repetition of your target-it’s the dice. Plus the dice games are really motivating for kids. AutismTeachingStrategies.com has a fantastic blog post on using game like elements to teach social skills to children with Autism Spectrum disorders.
I have a stash of dice: light up dice, tiny, tiny dice, foam dice and giant sized dice. I’ve also used some of the dice games on the iPad. I have the Make Dice app on my iPad. It’s versatile and even allows you to take pictures of people or other objects and add them to the dice!
Roll-A-Sounds: Multisyllabic words and Roll-A-Sound: Prevocalic R and Vocalic R
- following directions
- associations
- fill in the blank for object functions AND reversals
- basic listening comprehension.
- Absurdities
Up Next: Learn how I used a dice making an activity to address executive functioning, sequencing, sentence formation and more….