Is anyone else working this summer? Being in a clinic and schools means that I work year round. Usually I’m super energized by the sun and thoughts of summer activities but this year we had a late Spring (our strawberry fields haven’t even come in yet). I’m coming off a rainy weekend, which makes me feel even more tired. My to do list is getting longer as I ignore it in favor of my “to couch” list.
This is a great activity to practice phrase level productions.
1. Grab a deck of articulation cards.
2. Explain rules: “You can tell me who gets which card by saying ‘My ______ ‘ or ‘Your _______.’Whoever has the most cards at the end of the deck wins.
3. Act increasingly outraged as the child continues to say “My ________.”
The perfect game if your articulation cards are messy and out of order.
1. Grab a deck of articulation cards.
2. Explain rules: “I’m going to turn over a card and you have to say it. If the card is facing the wrong way, say ‘________ is turned around. Time to switcheroo.’ ”
3. Switch chairs with the client. This game is more fun if you have a different chair then the child. I like to complain about how small their chair is and how it is giving me back pain. Sometimes I beg them to give me my comfortable chair back.
What “lazy” games do you use in therapy? I’d love to hear your suggestions below. You can also contact me on Twitter @speech2you, #lazyspeechtherapy
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Using cards to play Go Fish – use doubles of each card and you can get phrase level “Do you have a _____?”
Bean bag toss onto the artic cards.
Matching game with cards (doubles, face down)
Great suggestions! I love bean bags and go fish too!